The John Meade Falkner Society belongs to the Alliance of Literary Societies. The Links below are to some of the authors whom those interested in Falkner’s work might also enjoy.
The ALS is the umbrella organisation for literary societies/groups in the UK.
Formed in 1973 it currently has around 125 members.
It provides support and advice on a variety of literary subjects, as well as
promoting cooperation between member societies.
The Society aims to promote the study and appreciation of the work and life
of Sir John Betjeman by bringing together all those who admire his writings
and share his enthusiasms. There is an annual programme which includes
poetry readings, lectures, discussions, visits to places associated with him,
walks, picnics and social events.
Founded in 1979, the Society works to promote a wider understanding and
appreciation of the life and works of John Buchan. There is an annual dinner
and AGM, alternately in Scotland and in England.
The Society, based in Hardy's native Dorset, was founded in 1968. It is dedicated to advancing 'education in the works of Thomas Hardy by promoting in every part of the world appreciation and study of these works'. It arranges regular events throughout the year, as well as a biennial conference and festival, and publishes three journals each year.
The Dorothy L Sayers Society was founded in 1976 to promote the study of the life, works and thoughts of this great scholar and writer, to encourage the performanceof her plays and the publication of books by and about her, to preserve original material for posterity and to provide assistance for researchers. It holds an annual seminar convention of which the proceedings are published, and commemorates the name of Dorothy L Sayers with plaques and notices as opportunity offers.
The Robert Louis Stevenson Club was formed in 1920 by those who knew Stevenson personally and wanted to see his memory and literary worth properly recognised. The RLS Club’s main objective therefore remains – “to foster interest in Stevenson’s life and works”, and it is achieved through a variety of approaches from organising lectures, visits, public relations, writing and broadcasting, literary competitions, and formal and informal events.